Encouragement For You

"He Gives power to the weak and to those who have no might He increases strength" ISaiah 40:29

Encountering real suffering can be heart breaking and difficult. As I suffer through emotional and physical
pain I realize that I am not alone..others suffer as well. Knowing Christ is with me at all times, in the darkness and
in the light has brought me great comfort. I'm not alone. Do you feel alone today in your darkness? Let
the comfort of others, my story, those around you, but most of all Christ, allow the Light to shine in your heart.
 TRULY, you are not alone. As I call out to God for strength and comfort, may you join with me in drawing
near to our Savior. He loves us, and we are not alone..in due time He will strengthen us and use our suffering
for His glory. Don't loose hope friend.NOTHING can thwart God's precious LOVE for you and I, not even
what you are experiencing..

"But God demonstrates His own Love for us in this: While we were still sinners, CHRIST died for us"
                                                                                                                        Romans 5:8

Fires of Sorrow

Let me walk thru the fires of sorrow,
God has allowed me be,
where anguish has no name,
Let my light shine thru the pain;

Let me walk thru fires of sorrow,
where all my pride is burned,
a broken heart and a life lesson learned;

Let me walk thru fires of sorrow,
where the stormy clouds will bring rain
and sooth this aching heart tomorrow;

Let me walk thru fires of sorrow,
where lusts and sin are seared.
I am left holy and He is left revered;

Let me walk thru the fires of sorrow,
where all my woes are dust and I am brought low,
and I must then look to HIM in trust;

Let me walk thru the fires of sorrow...

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